Playing the long game? Look for sun in the forecast

As we 8217 re well into spring with summer just around the corner I 8217 ve been thinking about the weather as it seems particularly fickle this year A few days of cold and rain a day of sun then

Can you believe a quarter of the century is in the history books As Terry Pratchett said 8220 inside every old person is a young person wondering what happened 8221 What does this have to do with investing Everything The

I ve recently had several clients ask me to speak to their kids about money and investing nbsp Anticipating both limited time and limited attention spans on behalf of the kids of course I spent a lot of time thinking

As a lawyer your financial situation likely differs from many others in the working world including other professionals Your years of schooling came at a significant cost Many lawyers come out of school with debt of well over $100 000

Tim Corriero, J.D, CFP ®

Tim Corriero is an attorney, a Certified Financial Planner ® and founder of Juris Wealth, a financial advisory business for lawyers.

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